
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will coordinate the status of fugitives for the bribe givers AKBP Bambang Kayun, Emylia Said and Hermansyah. Coordination was carried out because the two people had been included in the wanted list (DPO) issued by the National Police.

"If it is already a DPO at the National Police, of course the KPK will also coordinate further on this matter," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Saturday, December 15.

The KPK said it did not want to just designate Emylia and Hermansyah as fugitives. Ali said the summons would first be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations.

"Determination of fugitives by the KPK will certainly begin with the process of the procedural law mechanism first," he said.

Previously, Bareskrim Polri had issued red notices against two suspects in the forgery case, Emylia Said and Hermansyah. Both are suspected of being related to a bribery case involving AKBP Bambang Kayun.

"We have made a red notice," said Deputy Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Kombes Dicky Patria Negara to reporters, Wednesday, December 14.

The issuance of the red notice was because the two suspects were strongly suspected of escaping abroad. However, it is not certain where they are.

The investigation of this case was based on a report in 2015. In reporting, the alleged forgery relates to the seizure of the inheritance rights of PT Aria Citra Mulia (ACM).

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