
DENPASAR - Head of Class II Nusa Penida Port Operations Unit (UPP) Office, I Ketut Gede Sudarma said the Movable Bridge (MB) or connecting bridge at the Nusa Penida Port pier collapsed allegedly due to a large number of people at the same time.

The incident which resulted in the tourists who were on the movable bridge falling into the sea did not cause any casualties. The Semabu Hills fast boat that carries dozens of passengers can still depart at that time.

"The Semabu Hills fast boat that carries passengers departs from Nusa Penida to Sanur Port, Denpasar", said Gede Sudarma in his written statement, Friday, December 16.

UPP Class II Nusa Penida anticipates that similar incidents will not be repeated. UPP is strengthening the movable bridge and limiting the number of disembarkation passengers using the movable bridge.

Each fast boat must also ensure that the number of passengers is complete and ready to depart so that the fast boat can dock at the port to pick up passengers and report to the harbormaster.

In addition, a railing is needed in the middle of the jetty, and the addition of bolders for the safety of passengers and fast boats during debarkation and embarkation.

"UPP Class II Nusa Penida will increase supervision regarding the discipline of using boarding passes by fast boat ship operators", he added.

In addition, UPP Class II Nusa Penida will manage the flow of vehicles in and out coordinated by cooperatives and pecalang or village security officers so that tourists will be more comfortable in traveling.

Sudarma also apologized for the incident that occurred on Thursday, December 15 afternoon. UPP invites ship operators as well as passengers to comply with existing safety regulations and prioritize safety.

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