
Polda Metro Jaya has named eight people as suspects in the alleged abuse of domestic assistants (ART) against SK (23).

The forms of abuse carried out by the suspects ranged from acts of violence to forcing the victim to eat dog droppings.

"Today, this afternoon, eight people have been named as suspects," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Wednesday, December 14.

Eight people were named as suspects based on a police report dated December 9. They are, MK (64), SK (68), JS (32), E (35), T (25), PA (19), IY (38), and O (48).

For the suspects, the Constitutional Court and SK are the victim's employers. Then, JS as the son of the Constitutional Court and SK. While the other five suspects are household members of this married couple.

Based on the investigation, the suspects abused the victim in various ways. Starting from hitting, pouring hot water to forcing the victim to eating dog and human waste.

"To commit violence against the victim by squeezing and stoking the victim's breast, pouring hot water at the victim's feet, hitting him with a broom and hand, handling, shaking his feet and hands in the dog's cage," he said.

"Propagating the victim, forcing the victim to eat chili, eat dog droppings and victim's droppings and document several incidents of abuse through cellphones," Zulpan continued.

The suspect's assault was carried out at one of the units of the Simprug Apartment, South Jakarta. The barbaric action of the suspects was said to have been going on for five months.

The detention of the abuse was triggered because the victim was said to have been caught wearing the employer's underwear.

"The victim was abused from July to early December 2022," said Zulpan.

In this case, the suspects are charged with Article 333 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 170 or Article 315 and/or Article 44 and/or Article 45 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning domestic violence in conjunction with Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code. Thus, they face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

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