JAKARTA - The leadership of Commission I of the DPR was surprised by the awarding of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Tituler to the presenter, Deddy Corbuzier by the Army and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. The reason is, the embedding of the title has never been communicated with Commission I of the DPR before.
"I was also shocked, to be honest, because I had not communicated to Commission I. When asked by reporters, I did not understand what this was for," said Chairman of Commission I of the DPR, Meutya Hafid at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 13.
Meutya said that giving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel to civilians is indeed allowed. It's just that, he said, the Army and the Ministry of Defense need to clarify the functions and duties of these ranks.
Because according to him, it is possible that there will be more civil society that can be given the rank. However, the criteria and duties must be clarified.
"In principle, there is no problem, go ahead, but to the public it needs to be explained so that the controversy is not as long as it is now. So that it is clear what the task is, because it does not rule out the possibility that if it has been opened there can be other appointed citizens so that the criteria are clear and transparent as what can be invited by the TNI to become one of its members from outside," he explained.
The Golkar legislator could not comment further on the figure of Deddy Corbuzier, whether he deserved or did not get the rank. Because according to him, the criteria for people given the rank have not been explained by the TNI.
Therefore, the TNI and the Ministry of Defense need to explain to the public what the purpose, duties and functions as well as criteria for obtaining the rank of Lt. Col. Tituler which is said to socialize the defense issue.
"That's why this criterion is not clear, we don't know what. That's why it must be communicated to the public what its job is as an intermediary for communication to the public, we also don't know. So that later people who are interested in getting positions with the same title can prepare their positions as well.
"My advice is that if one has been opened, it is not only alone, maybe from other professions not only celebrities can also be invited to become members like that. I don't know what it's called, what is the honorary member of the non-TNI representatives to enter," said Meutya.
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