
YOGYAKARTA - Deddy Corbuzier received the award of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (Lieutenant Colonel) of the Army. The rank was ratified by the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa and the Army Anggakta Chief of Staff (KASAD) General Dudung Abdurachman.

Tituler, berdasarkan KBBI, adalah gelar atau rank kehormatan yang diperoleh tanpa menjalankan tugas kehormatan tersebut pada gelarnya. Selain influencer sekaligus Youtuber Deddy Corbuzier, ada sejumlah warga sipil lain yang pernah mendapat ketingkatituler.

The rules regarding those who are entitled to receive the term of office are listed in Chapter III of Government Regulation Number 36 of 1959 concerning the Ranks of Special Military, Situler, and Kehormtan.

In Article 6 Chapter III concerning the Situler Military Rank, it is stated that those who can receive the rank of betiler are those who are not from the voluntary military or the obligatory military.

Rear Admiral Kisdiyanto, Head of Information Center (Kapuspen), said that Deddy Corbuzier received the rights of members of the TNI after receiving the rank. However, this right is still limited.

He explained that Deddy would get the rights, such as salary, job allowances, family allowances, to TNI plates according to his position. The rank also requires Deddy to fight with military rights and regulations.

There are several civilians who have also received the rank of betuler as Deddy Corbuzier. Here are a number of recipients of the rank.

The fourituler ranks given by the Indonesian Air Force are Garuda Indonesia pilots.

Danhil Anzar Simanjuntak, Spokesperson for the Minister of Defense, said that the Tiler's rank was given by the TNI. Civilians who are entitled to receive the rank are someone that is needed by the TNI.

"If there are civilians whose abilities are very much needed by the TNI and are no longer owned by other TNI officers and soldiers, it could be considered by the TNI Commander and Chief of Staff," said Danhil on Monday (12/12).

Danhil also said that the civilian who previously also held the rank of attitude was Idris Sardi in 1996. Idris Sardi received the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Corps Ajudan General because of his expertise in music and provided training to the TNI related to this field.

Danhil explained that theituler rank received by Deddy Corbuzier would be completed until his duties were deemed complete. If his duties have ended, he will be replaced by an organic successor.

Those are a number of civilians who have been given the rank of betiler. This rank is not given to anyone. Only people who are considered to have the abilities needed by the TNI. This rank is also not forever because it will end when the term of duty is completed.

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