
The joint SAR team is still trying to find the bodies of eight residents of Cugenang District, Cianjur, West Java, who were reported missing buried by landslides in Sate Sinta-Cijedil and Jalan Mangunkerta, Cugenang District.

The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that on the 21st day, the search for victims buried by landslides continued. However, it has not yielded any results even though a number of heavy equipment continues to dig to find the bodies of eight victims.

"I came back to the location to ensure that the search can be carried out optimally even if I used heavy equipment and monitored by the joint SAR team. The information I got was that the search was hampered by high landslides and rain that fell every evening," said the Cianjur Regent.

The Regent of Cianjur hopes that with the extension of the search until the disaster emergency response is completed on December 20, the bodies of eight residents can be found according to the request of the family.

"I ask the joint team to maximize the search until the victim finds it," he said.

As written by Antara, until the 21st day the search for a joint SAR team consisting of Basarnas, SAR Bandung, BPBD Cianjur, Damkar Cianjur, and TNI/Polri are still trying to search and supervise when heavy equipment is working to find the whereabouts of the victim's body.

However, every evening before the rain fell again heavily, making it difficult for officers and heavy equipment to maximize the search because it was feared that the cliff at the top of the landslide site would again threaten the safety of officers.

The Field Coordinator for the Cianjur BPBD Search, Herman, said that the search effort was not carried out massively but relied more on heavy equipment to dig up landslide material that was quite high and deeper, but more than a hundred joint teams continued to monitor and search for the location of victims.

"The joint team will try their best until the bodies of eight victims are found, even though various obstacles are encountered in the field, various efforts continue to be made so that the family hopes to bury the victims properly can be carried out," he said.

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