
JAKARTA - The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) has prepared the concept of the National Cybersecurity Strategy which is an integral part of national security. This concept has been presented to President Joko Widodo.

"Hopefully it can be signed by the President, we have submitted a national cyber security strategy concept related to cyber security," said Head of BSSN Hinsa Siburian at the Del Institute of Technology, Blate, Toba Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Thursday, December 8 evening, confiscated by Antara.

Hinsa said the purpose of determining the national cybersecurity strategy was primarily to realize cybersecurity, protect the national digital economy system, and increase the strength and capability of reliable and shallow cybersecurity.

Then, prioritize national interests and support the creation of open, safe, stable, and responsible global cyberspace.

BSSN, Hinsa lenjut, cannot move and walk alone in securing national cyber space and requires synergy with various parties. This stakeholder in the context of cybersecurity includes state administrators, business actors, academics, and communities.

Meanwhile, the focus of the work area or targets in this national cyber security strategy, explained Hinsa, includes governance, risk management, preparedness and security, protection of vital information infrastructure, national cryptographic independence; capacity building, capability, and quality; cyber security policies; and international cooperation.

Therefore, the role of the mass media is also very much needed in socializing the dangers of cyber attacks on the community.

Cyber threats, according to Hinsa, are a hybrid threat that can be in the form of information control, espionage, and even sabotage.

Regarding the nature of attacks, Hinsa explained, there are two, namely those that are technical and social. Technical threats are the ones that attack the electronic system, including in the form of malware, DDoS, phishing, and others.

Meanwhile, social attacks are no less material, including in the form of black propaganda, separatism, radicalism, and other cyber crimes. This social attack can enter through private spaces in people's interactions on the internet.

"We know that the strength of our nation is unity, so if there are those who undermine it, it is certainly very dangerous," he said.

In this regard, Hinda expects the active role of the media to be able to socialize the dangers of cyber attacks on the public.

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