
JAKARTA - The suicide bomber at the Astanaanyar Police was identified with the identity of Agus Sujarno alias Agus Muslim. From the investigation, the perpetrator entered the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) network in Bandung.

"The perpetrator is affiliated with the JAD Bandung or West Java group," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the Astanaanyar Police, Wednesday, December 7.

Then, from the results of the temporary investigation, the motive behind the suicide bombing was suspected of protesting against the ratification of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP).

This allegation was due to the discovery of paper on his motorcycle related to the refusal.

The contents of the writing "KUHP = Syrik Law / Excise Wari the law enforcers of the devil QS = 9:29 "

However, to prove this allegation, Sigit continued, further investigation is still being carried out. Evidence and clues will be massively collected to prove it.

"There are dozens of papers that read protest against the draft Criminal Code which have just been ratified in them to discuss the issue of adultery and so on. Of course, this is all investigated," said Sigit.

The explosion occurred at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday, December 7. The explosion was a suicide bombing.

As a result of the explosion, several police officers were injured. In fact, one of them died.

Based on the photo data received by VOI, it appears that the alleged perpetrator has long hair characteristics.

Then, from several other photo documents, several body parts were scattered on several points from the Astanaanyar Police.

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