
JAKARTA Three days before the wedding of President Joko Widodo's youngest son (Jokowi) Kaesang Pangarep with Erina Gudono, a suicide bombing took place in Bandung, West Java, Wednesday morning, December 7. Suddenly the incident became an important note for the police to carry out strict security during the celebration of Jokowi and his family in Jogja and Solo later, December 10 and 11.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said that his party would certainly mobilize all strengths to secure the marriage of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono.

"Yes, of course we have to do security in layers. For all regions we have carried out thickening, related to the KKYD (enhanced police activity). Be it the intelligence function, the function of the Criminal Investigation Unit, to carry out KKYDs in all city limits. So there is no opportunity, space for the perpetrators of terror for our territory", said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in front of the media.

The Central Java Police Chief also ensured that no matter how small the members were, they still had to be monitored.

And all members to carry out activity plans, there is not a single thing that is not monitored by our members. That's the order."

"The thickening of all platoon team activities in ring 3 we strengthen, then in ring 1 and 2 we strengthen. Postal tracing from Brimob and Sabara. Including outside our territory. What is clear is that all compartments will run." concluded the Kapolda.

The explosion incident at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, caught the attention of the National Police throughout the region. Such as the Central Jakarta Police who are currently carrying out extra security at the entrance to the Resort Police. The Jatinegara Police stationed members with guns in front of the entrance.

So far the police are still investigating the explosion incident. Allegedly, the perpetrator is a network of Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD).

Former terrorism convict (napiter), Sofyan Tsauri, assessed that from how to break up, it was seen that the perpetrator was a network of Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD).

"The perpetrator's motive can be seen from his motorbike written by the Criminal Code and Syirik/Cafir Wari Law Enforcement, QS 9: 29. Then on the lights there is a flag 1515 (ISIS) meaning it is from the group 1515 (ISIS) meaning the JAD group," said Sofyan when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday 7 December.

Sofyan said that usually the target of the JAD group is government to law enforcement, such as the police.

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