
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) is still unable to confirm the connection between the bombers suspected of committing suicide at the Astanaanyar Police and certain terrorist networks.

Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar said that currently his party is still waiting for identification of the identity of the police forensic team regarding the Astanaanyar Police bomber.

"We need time, first to carry out identification first," he told reporters, Wednesday, December 7.

Boy said the identification process took time. Moreover, if no friend of the alleged perpetrator has been arrested at the location.

"The procedure is if there are no witnesses from his friends, we have to explore the identity of the person who carried out the suicide bombing. It is ongoing," he said.

Boy said there were several ways to identify to find out the identity. He also hopes that there will be clues found in the field investigation. So, the alleged perpetrator can be identified immediately.

"There are various ways but our forensic team will definitely know. It will take a while. Hopefully there will be supporting data and others. So there will be a crime scene investigation," he explained.

Previously, a bomb explosion suspected of committing suicide occurred at the Astanaanyar Police Office, Bandung City, West Java, Wednesday, December 7, at around 08.30 WIB.

As a result of the incident, one police officer died, while seven others were injured.

The location of the current bomb has a police line installed. Residents were asked to stay away from the Astanaanyar Police. Meanwhile, the police continue to investigate the location of the explosion.

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