
WAMENA - Jayawijaya 1702 Kodim (Dandim) Commander, Lt. Col. Cpn Athenius Murip, said that soon a new military district command (Kodim) will be inaugurated in two districts in the Papua Mountains region.

Athenius Murip said that after the inauguration of the Kodim, the two regencies would not automatically enter the jurisdiction of the Jayawijaya Kodim.

"The military district command that will be inaugurated soon is probably the Lanny Jaya and Tolikara Kodims because the buildings were completed two years ago", he said as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 6.

So far, TNI personnel serving in Lanny Jaya and Tolikara districts are still under the Jayawijaya Military Command.

"For the time being, if the Kodim really has to be approved, then maybe the main Kodim will be assisted first, the same is the case with the Papua Mountains Province state civil apparatus (ASN)", he said.

To support the government in the Papua Highlands Province, according to him, the TNI leadership has conveyed the development of support for Indonesia Army (TNI) offices in the interior of Papua.

"Regarding the formation of a new provincial autonomous region (DOB), automatically, as stated by the Cenderawasih Regional Military Commander during a visit to Wamena, further development will be considered, perhaps the Korem first", he said.

Jayawijaya Police Chief AKBP Hesman Napitupulu said that his party is ready to support all policies made by the district and new provincial governments, whose capital is in Jayawijaya.

"Whatever the government's policy is, of course, we are ready to support it, from a security standpoint we will be ready", he said.

He admitted that the personnel support was inadequate but it was still being used as needed and so far the police there were still able to carry out their duties properly.

"Regarding security at provincial offices, if the governor asks for security at that place, of course, we will prepare it. Now the situation is safe. But for example, if the government asks for the placement of personnel, we are ready", he said.

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