
JAKARTA - Former member of the Samarinda Police, Ismail Bolong, visited the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. He will be questioned about the management of illegal mines in East Kalimantan. "Yes, that's right (present). It is under investigation," said the Director of Certain Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto when confirmed, Tuesday, December 6. Based on information, Ismail Bolong arrived at Bareskrim Polri at around 11.30 WIB. He is said to have been accompanied by a team of attorneys In this case, investigators have also examined Ismail Bolong's children and wife. Both are said to play the role of the President Director and account for the company's former member of the Samarinda Police. "It's a corporation, his son is the President Director," said Pipit. Meanwhile, the role of Ismail Bolong's wife was not explained in detail. It is only mentioned that he made a transaction. Allegedly, the transaction in question is related to the sale of coal products which are illegally managed by the company Ismail Bolong. "It was his wife who made the transaction," said Pipit. Then, in this case, investigators have also named one suspect. He is Ismail Bolong's business partner.

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