
JAKARTA - Pakistan has enacted an Anti-Rape Act (UU) which will create a special tribunal for rape cases within four months. This was done after a protest over the rape of a woman whose car ran out of gas.

Citing CNN, Wednesday, December 16, the law regulating anti-rape was passed by the president. The authorities will provide a medical examination within six hours of the complaint being made and create a national register of sex offenses.

"The regulation will help accelerate cases of sexual abuse against women and children. Special courts will be established across the country to speed up trials of rape suspects and suspects as quickly as possible," said Pakistani President Arif Alvi.

"A list of perpetrators of rape will be prepared at the national level. The regulation prohibits identification of victims of rape and makes them a punishable offense," he added.

Pakistan has been debating tougher penalties for sexual offenders following public outcry over high-profile cases. One was the rape of a woman beside a main road driving with her two children in September.

Meanwhile, for the other case, two men were arrested in October and held in detention. Lawmakers have considered introducing the public hanging of those convicted of child sexual abuse and murder.

But Pakistani Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan said in September that doing so could hurt Pakistan's trade status with the European Union. Instead, Imran Khan said he would propose chemical castration for those convicted of the most brutal rape cases.

Less than 3 percent of cases of sexual harassment or rape result in convictions in Pakistan, according to Karachi-based group War Against Rape. The Anti-Rape Law will be in effect for four months pending parliamentary approval.

The text of the decree has not been released but the justice minister previously said the sentence would include the death penalty and chemical castration. Women's rights activists widely welcomed the law but called for improved policing and prosecutions to ensure justice for victims of sexual violence.

"This is a welcome move ... But it was a spontaneous reactive policy after the recent spike in reporting of rape cases," said Salman Sufi, who is championing a law to protect women from violence in Punjab province, Pakistan's most populous province.

She called for the introduction of a one-stop justice center for rape victims with all female staff. Fauzia Viqar, one of Pakistan's leading experts on women's rights, called on the government to ensure an investigation and prosecution.

"With a sentence rate as low as 3 to 4 percent, you don't give a strong sentence," he said. "The government needs to strengthen the response."

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