
PALANGKA RAYA - Palangka Raya Police and Central Kalimantan Police continue to pursue four suspected killers of Aipda Andre Wibisono at the Puntun Housing Complex on Rindang Banua Street, Pahandut Village, Pahandut District, Palangka Raya City last Friday. Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Faisal F Napitupulu, said the joint team was still hunting for four perpetrators who were on the wanted list (DPO) by the local police. "We will continue to hunt the perpetrators who are still at large until they are caught," he said when contacted in Palangka Raya, Antara, Sunday, December 4. The police are also aware of the identities of the perpetrators who fled. The police will not remain silent in this case, all the perpetrators involved must be arrested. "I ask all the perpetrators who are still at large, to surrender to the police. Because they must be held accountable for their actions, according to the law in force in this country," he explained. The Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Kismanto Eko Saputro, also said the same thing. Members of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police and the Palangka Raya Police continue to hunt down the perpetrators who are still at large. "The police will continue to pursue the perpetrators who are currently hiding in a place or area. Currently, the police have pocketed all the identities of the perpetrators who fled," explained Eko. It is known that Central Kalimantan Police Chief Aipda Andre Wibisono was declared dead as a result of being beaten by a number of people in the Puntun Complex area of Jalan Rindang Banua. The deceased was buried at the Public Cemetery (TPU) Jalan Tjilik Riwut Km 12, Palangka Raya City on Sunday. In addition to the relatives who brought the victim to the resting place, his teammates also accompanied and buried the body.

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