
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) explained the results of the supervision of vote counting and recapitulation using the 2020 Pilkada Information System for Recapitulation of Votes (Sirekap)

Bawaslu member Mochammad Afifuddin said, of the 3,629 sub-districts that were supervised, 80 percent of the sub-districts used manual recapitulation. This is because the district has problems when using Sirekap.

"As many as 708 districts (20 percent) of the PPK recapitulated using Sirekap (20 percent). The remaining 2,921 sub-districts (80 percent) performed manual vote recapitulation due to Sirekap not being used optimally," Afif said in an online press conference, Wednesday, December 16.

Bawaslu also found obstacles to the use of Sirekap at the Regency / City KPU level. Of the 161 district / city KPUs that carried out the recapitulation on the first day, there were only 2 regency / city KPUs that purely used Sirekap (1 percent).

"Meanwhile, 62 district / city KPUs (38 percent) combined the use of Sirekap and manual counting, the rest, namely 97 regency / city KPUs (60 percent) purely recapitulated manually," said Afif.

In this connection, continued Afif, in the end there were thousands of PPKs that finally opened the ballot boxes. The opening was carried out by KDP in at least 159 districts / cities.

The PPK opened the ballot box to document the photos on form C. The results-KWK then entered the data listed on the form into the Sirekap application.

"The opening was done because there was no form to refer to, while the C. KWK results were stored in the ballot box. So, documentation and data input was done manually because tiered data input through Sirekap cannot be done at the KPPS level," said Afif.

For information, Sirekap is an application that will be used by polling group officials (KPPS) to calculate the results of the election votes held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In its use, the official vote recapitulation report (C1-KWK) that has been filled with the votes will be scanned in the Sirekap application via the KPPS cellphone.

The Sirekap application will display the data from the C1-KWK input process. The KPPS officer then sends the photo results to the witness and the TPS supervisor in the form of a QR code.

The data is then aggregated from each TPS to sub-districts, sub-districts, to regencies / cities in the election for mayor / regent, or forwarded to the provincial level for gubernatorial elections.

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