
JAKARTA - The NGO Coalition for sustainable fisheries and marine (KORAL) assesses that giving concessions to Vietnam in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has the potential to disrupt sovereignty in the marine sector.

The CORAL secretary, Mida Saragih, said that Indonesia could geographically lose its territory and claims for resources in the region.

"Regarding natural resources and fish resources, Vietnam has become a'recidivist' in the theft of fish that has been repeatedly caught in fishing operations in Indonesian waters," he said in a statement, Sunday, December 4, confiscated by Antara.

Mida added that this condition also makes the space for local fishermen to find fish in the EEZ region even narrower because they have to compete with fishermen from other countries.

"If Indonesia's sovereign territory is narrowed to the sea, of course, a large number of areas that change hands on an sovereignty basis will no longer be able to be used for Indonesia's profits, including all fishing activities carried out by Indonesian fishermen," he said.

According to him, sovereignty is important for the existence of the state so that careful consideration and openness are important in the negotiation process, especially regarding the provision of concessions to other countries.

"It also takes a principlel attitude to maintain Indonesia's sovereignty and self-esteem in the eyes of the world. But more than that, the results of these negotiations will also be a benchmark for the seriousness of the state in ensuring the security and welfare of its people," he said.

Currently, he added, Indonesia's claims in Natuna are in accordance with UNCLOS 1982, so that the region is part of the territory of the country which should no longer be debated because it involves national sovereignty.

Previously, the 16th Technical Meeting of the Indonesian-Vietnam EEZ Boundary was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on November 24-25, 2022, one of which included talks on the provision of concessions.

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