
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives Commission IX for Health and Manpower appreciates President Jokowi's move to free the COVID-19 vaccine for all people.

"The DPR RI Commission IX appreciates President Jokowi's policy of providing free vaccines for the Indonesian people," said the Chairman of the Commission Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IX Melki Laka Lena when contacted, Wednesday, December 16.

Melki also appreciated Jokowi's step forward as the first person to undergo the corona virus vaccination program.

"President Jokowi's commitment to be the first person to be vaccinated further strengthens many parties to support the national COVID-19 vaccination program," he said.

Melki continued, currently the public is just waiting for the results of phase III clinical trials and vaccine distribution permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). Then, the Indonesian Ulema Council will embed halal certification of the vaccines to be used.

"After that, the vaccine has passed safety and efficacy for public use. Community leaders and the government provide education and prepare the community to succeed in the COVID-19 vaccination program," said Melki.

The government decided to give the COVID-19 vaccine free after receiving criticism from the public. The administration of free vaccines was delivered directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"So after receiving input from the public and after recalculating, recalculating state finances, I can say that the COVID-19 vaccine for the public is free. There is no charge at all," Jokowi said in a video statement uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account.

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