
JAKARTA - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka set the increase in the 2023 city minimum wage (UMK) to Rp2,174,000, an increase of about 6.8 percent compared to this year.

"The UMK for Surakarta City in 2023 has been approved at IDR 2,174,000, an increase of around 6.8 percent compared to the previous year's IDR 2,034,810," Gibran said in Solo, Friday, December 2, as reported by Antara.

The amount of the UMK 2023 has increased by Rp. 139,190 compared to this year. After being determined, the decision will be sent to the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo for approval.

The increase in the amount of the UMK is based on the consideration of the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) Number.18/2022, concerning the Determination of the 2023 UMK. With inflation variables and economic growth, there are alpha variables (Permenaker), which are labor contributions to economic growth ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 percent.

According to Gibran, the increase rate is a middle ground for both labor unions asking for an increase of 10 percent. or the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) which asks for an increase in the UMK in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) 36.

"This increase is a middle ground for both labor unions asking for an increase of 10 percent. Or Apindo who asked for an increase in the UMK in accordance with PP 36," explained Gibran.

Meanwhile, the Decree of the Governor of Central Java No. 561/50 of 2022 concerning the Minimum Wage of Central Java Province n 2023. Where, the Central Java UMP 2022 is IDR 1,812,935 is another consideration for determining the amount of the Surakarta UMK 2023.

"We also use the Central Java UMP. We also consider open unemployment," said Gibran.

Gibran said that the increase in the Surakarta UMK was almost 7 percent, Soloraya's highest. He will submit the increase in the UMK to the Governor of Central Java for approval.

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