
ACEH - The sole judge of the Lhoksukon District Court, North Aceh Regency, rejected a pretrial lawsuit related to the determination of two suspects for alleged corruption in the construction of the Samudera Pasai Islamic Monument with a total budget of IDR 49.1 billion. Head of the Intelligence Section of the North Aceh District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Arif Kadarman said the two corruption suspects who filed the lawsuit were the initials P and N. "They sued the pretrial regarding the determination of the suspect. However, the pretrial lawsuit was rejected by the judge. Thus, the determination of P and N as suspects is legally valid," he said in North Aceh, Antara, Thursday, December 1. In its decision, the sole judge Nurul Hikmah at the trial at the Lhoksukon District Court, stated that the process of determining P and N as suspects in the corruption crime of the construction of the Samudera Pasai Islamic Monument in accordance with Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning criminal procedural law. "In determining the suspect, the investigating prosecutor has also fulfilled two valid pieces of evidence. Thus, the pretrial submitted by the two applicants cannot be accepted," he said. In the corruption case of the construction of the Samudera Pasai Islamic Monument, there are five names named as suspects, namely the initials F as the Budget User Authority (KPA), N as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK), P as the project supervisor and T and R respectively as partners. The construction of the Samudera Pasai Islamic Monument is financed by the State Budget (APBN). The construction of the monument was carried out by five companies from the 2012 to 2017 fiscal year. In 2012, the project was carried out by PT PNM with a budget of IDR 9.5 billion. Then, PT LY was carried out with a budget of IDR 8.4 billion in 2013. In 2014, PT TH was carried out with a budget of IDR 4.7 billion. And in 2015 PT PNM was carried out with a budget of IDR 11 billion, in 2016 PT TH was carried out with a budget of IDR 9.3 billion and PT TAP was carried out in 2017 with a budget of IDR 5.9 billion. "From the results of the investigation by the North Aceh Kejari, the work was carried out not according to specifications. Many parts of the work were not carried out, so the condition of the monument building was not sturdy," said Arif Kadarman.

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