
MALRA - Maluku Regional Police (Polda) said five perpetrators who triggered the conflict between Elath Village and far-fetched Village in Kei Besar, Southeast Maluku (Mallra) have been named suspects.

"Currently, the perpetrator has been named a suspect," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes Pol. M Roem Ohoirat, in Ambon, Wednesday, November 30, quoted from Antara.

He said the five perpetrators were detained after the investigation process by the General Criminal Investigation Directorate (Dirreskrimum) of the Maluku Police at the location of the conflict.

"Three of them are suspected perpetrators of the persecution and use of arrows, and two other perpetrators of the smuggling of sharp weapons in the form of machetes and bows," said Roem.

Three perpetrators of the persecution are subject to Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code which explains the persecution with serious injuries, so they are threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years.

Meanwhile, two perpetrators of sharp weapons smuggling are subject to Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951, whoever without the right to enter Indonesia, makes, receives, tries to obtain it, surrenders or tries to surrender, controls, carries, has supplies to him or has in his property, keeps, transports, hides, uses or removes from Indonesia any beating weapon, stabbing weapon, or stabbing weapon sentenced to a maximum prison sentence of ten years.

"While he has been detained at the Malra Police," he added, he was confiscated by Antara.

Previously, the Director of General Crimes (Dirkrimum) of the Maluku Police, Kombes Pol Andi Iskandar, said the five perpetrators were not the perpetrators who caused the fire, but the provocateurs caused a conflict between men and Elath.

Currently, the police are also continuing the investigation process against the perpetrators of the arson and destruction of residents' houses in the conflict.

Southeast Maluku Regent M Thaher Hanubun also asked the police to take a firm stance by arresting parties suspected of being the trigger for conflicts between residents in my village and Elath village recently.

The clash between residents in Kei Besar on November 12 resulted in damage in the form of six burning two-wheeled vehicles, in Ohoi Depur and Wakkatran near Ohoi Elath.

Then, six houses of residents of Ohoi Depur, Wakatran, and Wakol, two junior and high school schools in Wakkatran, and 22 houses in Ohoi Ngurdu were burned down and heavily damaged.

For the injured as a result of being hit by arrows and incision of sharp objects, consisting of victims in Ohoibak 14 people, Ngurdu one person, Ohoi Soinrat seven people, Ohoi Watsin six people, and Elath 22 people.

Two police officers also suffered arrow wounds, namely Matias Vavu, a member of Brimob BKO Yon C Pioneer Tual who suffered arrow wounds to his left thigh, and Surya Indra Lasmana, a member of the Kei Besar Police, who suffered arrow wounds to his left waist.

Meanwhile, the two fatalities each came from Ohoi Sarjan, namely Tosy Urbanus Ululayan (28) who died from projectiles in the throat, and an elderly resident from Ohoi Ngurdu named Daniel Kabinubun (62) died as a result of being trapped in a burning house.

Residents of Ohoi Elath and Goyang had also clashed earlier on October 6, 2022, resulting in 31 injuries to the victim.

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