
JAKARTA - Realization of goods and services expenditure on domestic products by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will reach IDR 8.5 trillion in 2022. This achievement is claimed to be the highest in Indonesia. Then, the level of realization of micro, small, and cooperative enterprises (MSMEs) is IDR 3.9 trillion.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Province Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (PPUKM), Elisabeth Ratu Rante Allo, said that the use of domestic products in APBD spending was a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's instructions.

To all ministries, institutions, and local governments, Jokowi requires that domestic goods and services be optimized at 40 percent.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is moving quickly by increasing the use of PDN and empowering UMK-Operatives within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," said Ratu in her statement, Wednesday, November 30.

Ratu revealed that the DKI Provincial Government has formed a Team to Improve the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) whose duties are socializing and supervising the implementation of increasing PDN in the DKI Provincial Government.

"In fact, since 2020, the DKI Provincial Government has required spending on eating and drinking meetings with all Regional Apparatus and BUMD through Jakpreneur's MSMEs registered on the e-Order platform. This is a commitment that we will continue to carry out," explained Ratu.

The Queen continued, her party also encourages the marketing of domestic products by involving these local products in various exhibitions, from national to international scales.

"Hopefully, the culture of using domestic products, especially MSME products, can be part of the daily life of Jakarta residents," said Ratu.

Sebelumnya, dalam rapat koordinasi (rakor) monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) Instruksi Presiden Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 di ICE BSD, Tangerang, pada Selasa, 29 November, Presiden Jokowi menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada seluruh Kementerian/Lembaga/Pemerintah Daerah yang telah bekerja bersama-sama dalam meningkatkan penggunaan PDN dan produk UMK-Koperasi.

The achievement of total use of GDP in Indonesia reached 547 trillion rupiah or 44.9 percent of the APBN/APBD. This shows that PDN spending has increased from the targeted 40 percent.

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