
JAKARTA - The fit and proper test for Admiral Yudo Margono as a candidate for TNI Commander is likely to be held next week. The Deliberative Body (Bamus) has not set a schedule so that the implementation of the fit and proper test cannot be held this week. "This week it is not possible," said Dasco, Wednesday, November 30. Dasco said that the DPR leadership has not been able to hold a meeting to follow up on the presidential decree regarding the replacement of the TNI Commander, which President Joko Widodo sent on Monday, November 28, yesterday. The leadership will equalize the time so that next week a meeting can be held, and Bamus can immediately assign Commission I of the DPR to hold a fit and proper test.

"So we will wait. Later we will inform you when the Bamus schedule has been fixed," said Dasco. Previously, Commission I of the DPR was ready to hold a fit and proper test for the sole candidate for TNI commander Admiral Yudo Margono immediately after the presidential letter (Surpres) was received by the leadership of the DPR yesterday. However, the defense commission is still waiting for an assignment from the Deliberative Body (Bamus) to carry out the mechanism for appointing a new TNI commander. Although there is information on the fit and proper test to be carried out on Wednesday, until today the results of the Bamus meeting have not ordered Commission I. "We are ready to carry out a fit test at any time, but we are waiting for an assignment from Bamus. Until today there has been no assignment from the DPR Bamus," said Deputy Chairman of Commission I DPR Abdul Kharis Almasyhari, Tuesday, November 29.

The mechanism for the fit and proper test of the candidate for TNI commander in chief, namely Commission I of the DPR, will immediately hold an internal meeting to prepare for the fit and proper test after being assigned by Bamus. Then before the fit and proper test, the candidate for TNI commander will be administratively verified regarding the personal data. If declared complete, a fit and proper test will be carried out. After that, Commission I of the DPR will verify the factual by visiting the residence of the candidate for TNI commander Admiral Yudo Margono. If all have been verified, Commission I will bring the results of the fit and proper test to Paripurna for approval. If it has been agreed upon and ratified, the DPR leadership will send the name Admiral Yudo Margono to be appointed Commander of the TNI, and remove General Andika Perkasa.

"As usual, verify the administration of data and so on. The internal meeting decided when the date the commander was present to submit the files later the leadership of Commission I will verify. If it is declared complete and okay then a fit and proper test will be carried out. After completion, usually in the afternoon he visits the residence as a form to understand at the residence. If the visit is carried out before (fit and proper test) it will be considered neutral," explained Abdul Kharis.

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