
JAKARTA - Two junior high school students with the initials MSA and NA were arrested by Senen Police for being caught carrying sharp weapons. The two students were arrested when they were suspected of planning to carry out a brawl on Jalan Kramat VI, Kenari Village, Senen, Central Jakarta.

Senen Police Chief Kompol David Purba said the student was caught carrying a knife and sickle. From their confession, the sharp weapon was taken as a form of protecting themselves.

"He said the knife was taken to protect himself from crime," he said when contacted by reporters, Tuesday, November 29.

Although found carrying sharp weapons, the police did not detain the two students. The reason is, the two students are minors and are active in school.

Lebih Kompol David mengatakan, pelajar berinisial MSA dan NA telah dikembalikan kepada orang tua dan diketahui gurunya. Selain itu pelajar juga membuat surat pernyataan untuk tidak melakukan perbuatan yang melanggar hukum.

"They are still junior high school. We don't impose emergency laws because they are minors," he said.

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