
JAKARTA - The police's type NBO 105 helicopter with registration number P-1103 crashed in the waters of Bangka Belitung. Various allegations regarding the cause also arise, ranging from engine problems to other things.

However, behind these allegations, there is one thing that can be ascertained, namely, the tense atmosphere before the helicopter crashed.

A member of the Bangka Belitung DPRD, Koko Haryanto, who said the testimonies of the fishermen said that the atmosphere in the waters of the Bathing Bird at that time was not as usual.

Dark clouds are said to be getting thicker. The visibility is so much shorter. The fishermen called the condition a sign of a storm coming.

"The weather was very dark that day," said Koko to VOI, Tuesday, November 29. The time referred was Sunday, November 27, on a fateful day.

Then, it was raining at that time. Several times the sound of lightning echoed in the ears of the fishermen.

"Yes, the poko is thick, the clouds are black. So the visibility of fishermen is getting closer," he said

At around 12.00 WIB, the first helicopter passed on the witness boat. Not long after, the second helicopter followed.

However, there are differences in the two helicopters. This is because the first helicopter flew higher.

"From the fishermen, they saw the helicopter passing high. When the second helicopter flew, the immersion was not like the first," said Koko.

Shortly after the second helicopter passed, a very loud bang was heard. However, the source is not certain.

The fishermen suspect it came from the helicopter. However, there is also the possibility that the sound of lightning.

"Maybe the atmosphere of winning is dark and there is a sound of lightning that is different or the same, it has not been confirmed but the witness heard that," said Koko.

After the sound of the boom and increasingly unfriendly natural conditions, the fishermen who became eyewitnesses began to get scared. They had a chance to close their small boats to the nearest island.

However, the fishermen did not see the moment the helicopter crashed. The reason is, due to dark conditions and short visibility.

The type NBO 105 helicopter with registration number P-1103 crashed in Bangka Belitung waters, on Sunday, November 27. The incident began with the loss of contact with the police helicopter.

The helicopter flight was in order to carry out a ferry flight from the Central Kalimantan Police to the Mako Ditpoludara Korpolairud Baharkam Polri.

In the helicopter, there were four crew members. They consist of pilots, co pilots and 2 mechanics, namely, pilot captain AKP Arif Rahman Saleh, Co pilot Brigadier Lasminto, and two mechanics Aipda Joko M and Bripda Anam.

In the search process, the evacuation team only found the body of Bripda Anam, November 28.

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