
JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PDI-P (PDIP) faction, Deddy Yevri Sitorus, strongly criticized President Joko Widodo's volunteers who held an event at the Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, on Saturday, November 26.

According to him, the volunteers damaged Jokowi's image because they worked on a lively event in the midst of an earthquake that was still felt by residents of Cianjur, West Java.

"If you claim to be a true volunteer, you should go down to help the people, including dealing with the impact of the Cianjur earthquake," said Deddy in his statement, Monday, November 28.

He added that the use of the GBK Stadium as the location for the volunteer event on behalf of the United Nusantara Movement also did not consider the bad effects that could be attached to Jokowi.

The GBK Stadium as it is known has been announced by the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Zainudin Amali is prohibited from being used for any activities until the U-20 World Cup event in Indonesia in 2023 is completed.

"It's not even broken the rules using the GBK Main Stadium. There is a ban from the Menpora for using GBK until the 2023 U-20 World Cup," he said.

Deddy said that volunteers should maintain Jokowi's honor instead of trapping by maneuvering the president's authority. He is very sure that Jokowi was forced to come to the event.

"I ask you not to trap Pak Jokowi! He (Jokowi) is the President of the Republic of Indonesia, not the president of volunteers. Not for the sake of ambition, power, and material, the volunteers carry out maneuvers outside their scope, so that Pak Jokowi's authority is firm," he said.

Deddy warned that volunteers who tried to maneuver could make Jokowi's name accused of cheating in the 2024 presidential election. Because Jokowi, he said, could be advised to have special preferences regarding candidates. "Don't let the upcoming presidential election be accused of having the potential to cheat because of volunteer maneuvers that ultimately impress that the president (Jokowi) has certain preferences regarding contestation (Pemilu) 2024," he said. Deddy also emphasized that PDIP will guard Jokowi until his term ends in 2024.

"We will continue to oversee President Jokowi until the end of his term of office and ensure that the 2024 presidential election will produce a harmonious national leadership and complete President Jokowi's vision," he said.

The GBK Stadium will be used for the U-20 World Cup in 2023. The Minister of Youth and Sports did not give permission for other events at GBK until the 2023 U-20 World Cup was completed.

"As the largest football organization in the world, FIFA has given confidence and trust (to host the 2023-ed U-20 World Cup). That is a matter of pride. So we first focus on the main agenda, namely the U-20 World Cup," said the President Director of the Bung Karno Complex Management Center (PPKGBK) Rakhmadi Afif, Wednesday.

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