
Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Deddy Yevri Sitorus, asked that the volunteers be able to maintain the honor of President Joko Widodo as head of state.

Deddy asked the volunteers not to trap Jokowi by maneuvering to the detriment of Jokowi's authority as the number one person in Indonesia.

"That's why I asked not to trap Pak Jokowi. He (Jokowi) is the President of the Republic of Indonesia and is not a president of volunteers. Not for the sake of ambition, power, and material, the volunteers carried out maneuvers outside their scope, so it actually harmed Pak Jokowi's authority," said Deddy, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 27.

Deddy said this was in response to the pros and cons of the United Nusantara Movement held by a group of elites using the name of President Jokowi at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK) Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday, November 26 yesterday.

So far, continued Deddy, the PDI-P has always struggled to support and defend Jokowi. However, the volunteers are more engrossed in maneuvering power politics which is detrimental to Jokowi's image.

Therefore, Deddy reminded that as head of state, Jokowi should not be dragged by volunteer groups towards maneuvers related to the 2024 presidential election.

"Do not let the upcoming presidential election be accused of having the potential to cheat because of volunteer maneuvers which ultimately impress that the president (Jokowi) has certain preferences regarding the 2024 contestation (Pemilu). We will continue to guard President Jokowi until the end of his term of office and ensure that the 2024 presidential election will produce a harmonious national leadership and complete President Jokowi's vision," said Deddy.

Meanwhile, the PDI-P as Jokowi's supporting party has been proven to be consistent in maintaining and supporting the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government completely.

"And we will make calculations with political parties and adventurers who harm the president's dignity," he said.

Deddy also regretted the maneuver of Jokowi volunteers who held the United Nusantara activity at GBK.

"If you claim to be a true volunteer, you should go down to help the people, including dealing with the impact of the Cianjur earthquake, instead of crashing into the rules using the GBK Main Stadium which should be prohibited as conveyed by the menpora (minister of youth and sports)," he said.

He also regretted the event of the United Nusantara Movement which he judged was not the right momentum, high cost, and only lowered Jokowi's leadership; even though recently Jokowi was praised by the world for his leadership in making Indonesia the G20 Presidency.

"Currently, the Indonesian nation is still grieving the Cianjur earthquake. Many people are still in refugee camps and not all victims have been found, when the elite volunteers are hungry for power, they are more engrossed in talking about elections and forget their true responsibility as volunteers," said Deddy.

In addition, GBK should not be used for such events.

"There is a ban from the Menpora for using GBK to holding the U-20 World Cup in 2023," said the member of the DPR from the constituency of Kalimantan Province.

Therefore, Deddy assessed that the initiators of the United Nusantara Movement had trapped President Jokowi because they knew that Jokowi could not escape if his volunteers invited him to attend an event.

"I believe Pak Jokowi was forced to come to the event; not his will," said Deddy.

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