
After the breakdown of 34 semi-permanent rented houses due to natural disasters, the wind was blown on Jalan Jelambar Baru 1, RW 07, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta, the Tanjung Duren Police provided assistance in the form of basic necessities to a number of affected residents.

After the disaster, the Tanjung Duren Police, West Jakarta, was led directly by the Tanjung Duren Police Chief, Kompol Muharram Wibisono, who rushed to the scene.

"This arrival was to provide humanitarian assistance to residents who experienced disasters, as a result of being hit by a tornado yesterday afternoon," said Police Commissioner Muharram Wibisono when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, November 26.

The police chief admitted that his party felt empathetic about the disasters experienced by a number of its citizens.

"We from the ranks feel concerned about our residents who are being hit by a disaster. Hopefully, the assistance we provide can provide benefits and also ease the burden on those who are affected," he said.

The assistance provided was dozens of boxes of instant noodles and mineral water for victims whose houses were affected by a tornado.

Previously, it was reported that 34 semi-permanent rented buildings were destroyed after being hit by a tornado that hit the West Jakarta area, on Saturday afternoon, November 26.

Dozens of semi-permanent rented on Jalan Jelambar Baru 1, RW 07, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta were damaged and collapsed after being blown away by the wind.

Tanjung Duren Police Chief Kompol Muharram Wibisono said the affected buildings were semi-permanent buildings that stood on textionong's land.

"The building with a bidhonomize layered zinc in the form of a partition with a (bondor) name without foundation," he said when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, November 27.

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