
The Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) has assigned orthopedic specialist doctors to help deal with earthquake victims in Cianjur, West Java.

"The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture received reports of the need for surgeons and orthopedics who are still very limited, based on the report the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture asked the Muhammadiyah Hospital network to deploy surgeons and orthopedic doctors," said Deputy Secretary of MDMC Muhammadiyah Mashudi, quoted from Antara, on Thursday, November 24.

Mashuri said RSMA assigned doctor Meiky Fredianto from PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The orthopedic specialist will be at the disaster site until Saturday 26 November.

Currently Meiky has joined other Muhammadiyah health workers at the Muhammadiyah Coordination Post (Poskor), the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership Office in Bojongherang, Cianjur.

"At the Postor, MDMC has also gathered volunteer health workers who have arrived in Cianjur. Coordination of the health team's response mapping," he said.

In addition to orthopedic specialists who are already in Cianjur, he said, health teams from various Muhammadiyah hospitals have arrived.

Among the health teams that have joined since Monday, November 21 night, consisting of doctors and nurses from RSI Jakarta Pondok Kopi, RSI Jakarta Cempaka Putih, RSI Jakarta Sukapura, and Muhammadiyah Hospital South Bandung.

"The team of doctors from Sumedang is the Bandung Unisa health team, volunteers from UMI Sukabumi Students, following the Wednesday of the Lampung Metro Hospital, PKU Wonosobo Hospital," said Mashuri.

Not only that, in order to support the provision of food for both survivors and volunteers on duty, MDMC also sent a public kitchen car from Yogyakarta and the required logistics materials.

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