4 Prada Indra Detained Perpetrators, Suspect Status Andjerat Articles Of Laying On Murder
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TANGERANG - The Military Police Detesement of the Air Operations Command (Danpom Koopsud) officially named four soldiers suspected of molesting Prada Mochamad Indra Wijaya, as suspects. The 4 soldiers had the initials Prada SL, Prada MS, Pratu DD and Pratu BG.

"4 people, Prada SL, Prada MS, Pratu DD and Pratu BG are already suspects," said Head of the Indonesian Air Force Implementation Service (Kadispenau) First Marshal of the TNI, Indan Gilang Buldansyah in a short message, Wednesday, November 23.

Indan said that the 4 soldiers had been temporarily detained for 20 days. This is a form of investigation related to the alleged abuse case.

"He has been in detention for the first instance for 20 days for investigation," he said.

In addition, Indan also said that the 4 soldiers would be subject to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code Junto Article 131 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code.

Article 338 of the Criminal Code carries a penalty of 15 years. Juncto Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code carries a penalty of 7 years. Article 131 of the Criminal Code paragraph 3 concerning the beating of superiors to subordinates in the service of causing death," he said.

Then, for the administrative sanctions of the 4 suspects, dismissal of members of the Indonesian Air Force will be carried out.

"For administrative sanctions, they can be fired," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a member of the Air Operations Command (Kopsud) III, Prada Mochamad Indra Wijaya, died while on duty for Biak, Papua. However, in his death, his family suspected that there were irregularities about the cause of his death.

Rika (23) as the victim's sister said that at first, the family received information that her sister had died, due to severe dehydration.

However, when the body arrived at the funeral home, in Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency on Saturday, November 19, his physical condition from Prada Mochamad Indra did not match his death certificate. Because his face was full of blood and bruises all over his body.

"The physical condition of the corpse is not in accordance with the death certificate (the face is bleeding and there are many bruises on his body)," said Rika when confirmed, Tuesday, November 23.

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