
JAKARTA - Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Dr. Irwan Meilano explained about the Cimandiri fault which became the 'rook' earthquake M 5.6 in Cianjur, West Java.

The Cimandiri fault is classified as an active fault and is a field of fracture accompanied by a shift, experiencing a crack, or having a gap. "In this fault there is an accumulation of tectonic stresses that are the next force of the earthquake. If viewed through a geological approach, it also shows the same thing," said Irwan Meilano in a written statement, Tuesday, November 22, quoted from Antara.This fault includes earthquake sources that are independent and not affected by previous earthquakes so that there is a significant earthquake potential occurring in the future. Irwan Meilano said there was learning that could be learned from the earthquake disaster measuring 5.6 SR that rocked Cianjur Regency, West Java on Monday (21/11). "The main concern is in the government and local government, there needs to be an effort to understand that the area has earthquake potential. Spatial arrangement and development rules carried out by each region must be adjusted to its geological structure and distance from the source of the earthquake," he said. In addition, he said, the public must also literate literacy and knowledge that they live in earthquake-prone areas so mitigation can be carried out.

He said when a disaster has occurred, there is a golden time for evacuation that only ranges on average 30 minutes after the earthquake. What can be done after a disaster occurs is to give the best response.

"We must learn from Japan in utilizing this golden time. Emergency hospitals, temporary shelters, water and good sanitation are starting to be prepared now. If we only focus on the injured, then put aside the vital things that must be prepared, then the survivors can also become further victims," he said. Irwan who is also an ITB Geodesic and Geomatic Technical Lecturer also hopes that there will be no more casualties and all parties can learn to anticipate the same thing happening in the future.

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