
JAKARTA - There is a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Central Jakarta Transmigration and Energy Manpower Sub-Department (Nakertrans-E) who has tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, the Central Jakarta Nakertrans-E Office, located in Block C, Central Jakarta City Government Office, Gambir, was forced to temporarily close or lock down on Monday, November 21.

Head of the Central Jakarta Nakertrans-E Sub-dept., Sudrajat confirmed the lockdown in his office. "Yes, it is true that an employee of ours has tested positive for COVID-19," he said when confirmed by reporters, Monday, November 21 without mentioning how many ASNs were exposed.

Sudrajat further said that all activities at the Central Jakarta Nakertrans-E office were temporarily suspended. Employees carry out activities as long as the office is closed are transferred to online. Meanwhile, employees who have tested positive are still undergoing self-isolation (Isoman).

"Public services are temporarily closed until the office is re-opened as before," he said.

During the closure, the Central Jakarta Nakertrans-E Sub-dept. office was sprayed with disinfectant liquid to cut off the spread of COVID-19. The closure of the office is only a day, tomorrow the office will be operational as usual.

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