
Residents of Rancabungur, Bogor Regency, West Java, Urip Saputra (40), apologized for his actions that had made a scene for pretending to have died. This Urip drama was viral and became the attention of netizens. "I apologize, especially to my family as well as relatives, neighbors, and the police, as well as all people who have been disturbed by this problem," said Urip accompanied by the Bogor Police Chief, AKBP Iman Imanuddin at the Cibinong Police Headquarters, Bogor, Antara, Monday, November 21. Urip admitted that he was grateful to the police for helping to realize and solve some of the problems he was facing. "On this occasion, I from the bottom of my heart would like to thank the police who made me aware and helped me overcome the problems I faced," he said. He also promised not to repeat actions that could potentially disrupt public order. According to him, the act of pretending to die was based on the burden on a number of debts to his workplace. "Because of the burden alone, we will carry out a mediation process, first with the party I have debt. No one has any influence on me, no one encourages me, purely on my own initiative," he said. Urip has been questioned by the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit since last Saturday at the Bogor Police Headquarters. Head of the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Yohanes Redhoi Sigiro, said that the examination of US was an attempt to clarify the problems that had caused a commotion in the community. Officers have also examined about 10 witnesses, ranging from two ambulance drivers, two hotel employees in South Jakarta, to several residents who witnessed US lying in coffins. "The investigation is a series of investigative actions to determine whether or not this act is criminal or not. That is what we are investigating," said Sigiro. He said, the results of the examination of several witnesses, it was known that US and his wife bought coffins in South Jakarta on the grounds that their families in Bogor had died. Then, US and his wife were escorted by ambulance carrying a coffin from South Jakarta to Bogor. "Then stopped at the Cibubur Rest Area, at that time the husband and wife were still sitting in the back together with the coffin. After resting, the wife lived alone her husband was gone. Asked the ambulance driver 'where are you', 'just leave him already gone'," said Sigiro. Apparently, US got into the coffin from the Cibubur Rest Area. Because, the condition of the coffin, which was initially packaged in plastic, when it was unloaded from the ambulance, was in condition without being covered with plastic. The police also found other facts from the results of the examination of the ambulance driver, namely that US was in debt. "From the rest area to the destination, the wife vented that she was in debt, so that's what we are exploring. We ask the truth," said AKP Sigiro. Previously, a US video circulated on Monday (14/11) on social media sleeping in a coffin. In the video, you can see the US stomach holding a breath and the people around it looking surprised. In another video clip, US received medical treatment at the Bogor Hospital after it was found that he was still alive in the coffin.

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