
JAKARTA - The Sigi Regency Government, Central Sulawesi, together with the Indonesian Christian Women's Association (PWKI) Sigi synergizes to encourage and build women's capacity in the area as peace agents.

"Women have a strategic role in disseminating peace messages," said Deputy Regent Sigi, Samuel Yansen Pongi, in Sigi, related to coaching and increasing the capacity of women who are members of PWKI Sigi, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Samuel said that the strategic role of women in disseminating the peace message must be supported by sustainable coaching and capacity building.

This, he said, must be done in synergy between local governments and various parties including social and religious organizations.

"So the government synergizes with PWKI to hone and increase the capacity of women both intellectually and with skills, as well as empowerment - economic empowerment," he said.

He said that through this synergy, the Sigi Regency Government and PWKI empower women who are members of PWKI through religious approaches, with the hope that their religious insight will increase, accompanied by increased faith and spirituality, which then has an impact on humane behavior and attitudes to build tolerance among human beings in Sigi.

"Thus, the strategic role of women in distributing peace messages will be more optimal, at least in a small environment, namely at the household and family level," he said.

Related to this, the Chairperson of the PWKI DPC Sigi Roro Istanti said he could intensify religious activities such as Sigi Religi, collaborating with the Sigi Regional Government to improve the quality of security and order, as well as peace in Sigi.

"Be a conditioning person in the community," said Roro Istanti.

He hopes that Christian women who are members of PWKI Sigi will be pioneers in renewing the capacity and quality of Sigi women as carriers of enlightening solutions.

PWKI, he said, which is a combination of various churches, does not only play a role in the church, but also contributes to responding and providing solutions to various dynamics and problems that arise in socio-religious life.

"Therefore, the PWKI DPC is a strategic partner of the Sigi Regency Government that can support the implementation of development programs for the welfare of the community," he said.

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