
JAKARTA - The Trenggalek Regency Government, East Java, won the best smart branding innovation category in the 2022 Indonesia Smart Nation Award (ISNA) forum. They are considered capable of implementing smart city innovations with a focus on post-pandemic recovery.

"Receiving the 'smart branding' award is quite prestigious, considering that apart from Trenggalek Regency there are several other districts that are also competing for this award," said Head of the Trenggalek District Communication and Information Office, Edif Hayunan Siswanto in his statement at Trenggalek, Friday, November 18.

This award was achieved thanks to the synergy and collaboration of a number of economic development programs run by the Trenggalek Regency Government.

One of them is through the Hundred Tourism Villages Program (Sadewa) which concentrates on growing the community's economic sector from tourist villages.

To drive the wheels of the economy, the local government is targeting the formation of 100 pilot villages and new nature tourism within three years.

"Then there is the regional program 'Prigi Front Beach City' and also 'Panggul Little Jogja' and several other programs. Hopefully this award can spur the spirit of developing a 'smart city' to encourage development progress in Trenggalek Regency," he added.

So far, the Trenggalek Regency Government has entered the top 50 regencies or cities in Indonesia to receive assistance in preparing the "master plan for smart city 2022" from the Ministry of Communication and Information through the movement towards smart cities program.

Trenggalek was chosen because it has implemented the principles of "smart city", for example, it is a form of bureaucratic transformation with the existence of digital public service cafes, Trenggalek "smart bench", Petung Dadi Version 2.0, Online Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) and others.

"Trenggalek was appointed because some of the basics or some of the applications of smart cities in Trenggalek already exist, so they just need to be sharpened. We were chosen to realize Indonesia's smart city," he concluded.

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