
JAKARTA - Jumiyati (48), the owner of a house whose roof collapsed on Jalan Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta, said that his son had permission not to go to school today because his uniform was wet and dirty due to rain since early morning, Thursday, November 17.

The children have permission to go to school, because the clothes were wet. When the incident happened, in the morning I immediately called the school, if my child did not go to school, because he was hit by a disaster," said Jumiyati when met at the location, Thursday, November 17.

Jumiyati also said the prebot in the house was damaged and dirty, because it was raining and hit by the rubble of the roof of his house.

"All of the furniture is still inside because of the heavy rain conditions. So there is lightning, save yourself first, leave items," he said in a thin tone.

He was forced to leave his house and had to live in an empty house owned by his neighbor. Because the condition of his house is no longer suitable to be occupied.

"I live in an empty house owned by a neighbor. Yes, what can I do, my house has no roof and things can't be carried either because it rains on wet," he said.

"Earlier, food and blankets were given from the village," he continued.

Jumiyati also explained that the chronology of the incident on the roof of his collapsed house began with heavy rain accompanied by strong winds.

Jumiyati admitted that she woke up at 03.00 WIB, she heard a sound like a tile that wanted to crack. As a result, he immediately woke up his entire family to leave the house.

Sure enough, soon the roof of his house collapsed because it was carried away by strong winds.

"Incidentally, our family likes to wake up early in the morning, I heard a sound on the roof like the roof wanting to collapse. Then we immediately left the house, my child was sleeping, I pulled out of the house," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the roof of a resident's house on Jalan Bali Matraman, Manggarai, South Jakarta collapsed due to strong winds accompanied by heavy rains that had occurred since early Thursday, November 17.

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