
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) reports that as many as 14 thousand land assets have a waqf certificate. The acceleration of waqf land certification has been carried out since the program was rolled out at the end of 2021.

"This shows our concern for the assets of the people that must be maintained. With the certificate, it further strengthens the legal status of the waqf asset," said Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Religion's Waqf Asset Security Sub-Directorate, Jaja Zarkasyi, in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, November 17.

The program to accelerate waqf land certification is a collaboration between the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of ATR/BPN which was signed at the end of 2021.

Land waqf certification is a step by the Ministry of Religion in maintaining and maximizing the function of waqf. With this certification, it is hoped that waqf assets will be legalized and facilitate management.

Jaja explained, through the program to accelerate the certification of waqf land, now Nazir only needs to visit the Ministry of Religion Office in the regions when he will take care of the land certificate. Furthermore, the Ministry of Religion will coordinate to submit the required documents to BPN.

"Previously, people had to go to the BPN office to take care of the land certificate. Now it is coordinated by the Regency/City Ministry of Religion, after the requirements are complete, then submitted to BPN," said Jasa.

According to him, to apply for a waqf land certificate, you can take advantage of the two programs provided by the government. Both programs are Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) and Waqf Land Certification.

"For PTSL, those who coordinate are officers from the village apparatus. Our coordinating program is the Head of the KUA. Both can be used," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Religion continued to search for waqf land that did not have a certificate or legality in order to avoid disputes in the future and could be managed properly by the nazir.

Jaja said that from the results of the Ministry of Religion's search in 2021, there were 41 thousand waqf land points that had not been certified. Of this figure, only 21 thousand have documents and can have certificates.

Since the beginning of 2022 until today, he continued, there have been 13 thousand waqf land points that have been certified from 21,000 land points that have waqf documents to be certified. He hopes that by the end of the year, 21 thousand points will already have a certificate.

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