
JAKARTA - The follow-up trial of the bribery case with the defendant Andi Desfiandi regarding the admission of new students at the University of Lampung (Unila) presented two witnesses today, Wednesday, November 16.

The two witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) admitted that they had received money three times related to the acceptance of Unila's new students in 2022.

The two witnesses in question are Deputy Chancellor II Unila Prof. Asep Sukohar and Chairman of the Unila Internal Supervisory Unit Prof. Budiono.

"Once handed over three times to Budi Sutomo (other witnesses) to convey to the chancellor three people who asked to help send their children to Unila," Asep said when asked by the prosecutor during a trial at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandar Lampung, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 16.

Asep said Budi Sutomo was an intermediary for giving money to the inactive Unila Chancellor, Karomani, from the three people.

"So, the three people asked for help, I conveyed it to the chancellor. Then I conveyed, the Chancellor asked whether there was a donation or not and coincidentally the three people wanted to donate," he said.

Asep said that overall the money deposited with Budi Sutomo in the Unila bribery case was Rp. 650 million.

"Yes, the donations are different, there are Rp350 million, Rp300 million and Rp100 million," he added.

Meanwhile, Budiono admitted that three of his friends had visited him to convey their intention to receive a donation of Rp250 million so that his son or nephew could enter Unila.

"Because I don't have the authority, I conveyed it to the leadership. I happened to convey it to Mr. Heryandi. There were also those who came to me to convey that they had registered for Unila and signed Rp150 million for donations," he said.

In this case, the KPK has named four suspects. They include three bribe recipients, namely Karomani, Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila Heryandi, and Senate Chairperson Unila Muhammad Basri.

Meanwhile, the bribe giver is a private party Andi Desfiandi, who is currently a defendant.

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