
JAKARTA - Jusuf Kalla visited the official residence of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, to discuss various issues, including the continuation of cooperation with Afghanistan and the construction of the Prophet Muhammad Museum.

Spokesperson for Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Masduki Baidlowi, said the 10th and 12th Vice President Jusuf Kalla conveyed the desire of the Afghan government to continue working with Indonesia.

"Regarding the Afghanistan issue, the Afghan party contacted Mr. JK who basically asked the Vice President to be connected to Ma'ruf Amin regarding matters related to the ongoing cooperation between Indonesia and Afghanistan," Masduki said when contacted by Antara from Jakarta, reported by Antara. , Friday, December 11th.

The cooperation, continued Masduki, is related to strengthening the teachings of Islam, the middle way or wasathiyah, through inter-ulama meetings and student exchanges.

"Is it related to ulama who have visited here, so that it is repeated again, is it related to some Afghan students who have entered Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, it also wants to be repeated," he explained.

Vice President Ma'ruf responded positively to the plan to continue the cooperation and asked for an evaluation regarding the ongoing partnership between the Government of Afghanistan and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), universities and Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia.

"The Vice President asked to evaluate what has been going on so far. The cooperation includes the MUI, several Islamic boarding schools, and universities. The team at the Presidential Secretariat was asked to be involved to evaluate, so that the next steps can be even better," said Masduki.

Regarding the plan to build the Rasulullah Museum, JK shared his experience of visiting Saudi Arabia some time ago to Ma'ruf Amin.

"Mr. JK, who yesterday left for Saudi Arabia, conveyed about the construction of the Prophet Muhammad Museum. There he met with a number of experts, to then get a technical explanation of how the Rasulullah Museum could be in accordance with the plan, in detail," he said.

During the meeting, various issues currently occurring in the country were also discussed. Also attending the meeting were the Head of the Secretariat of the Vice President (Kasetwapres) Mohamad Oemar, the spokesman for the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi and the Vice President's Special Staff, Bambang Widianto.

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