
Police officers and Brimob Polda Papua are still monitoring and securing all crime scenes (TKP) of riots in Dogiyai Regency, Papua.

The place of fire occurred at 4 different points, namely on Ikebo Bawah Street which scorched 3 buildings or 17 plots, 2 buildings or 50 plots in the bridge area, 6 office buildings on Trans Nabire - Enarotali Street and 2 buildings consisting of 13 petal Jalan Trans Nabire - Enarotali.

"It can be ascertained that the situation in Dogiyai Regency is gradually safe, after strict security was carried out by the police who were assisted by local TNI personnel," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, to reporters, Sunday, November 13.

In addition to the security forces, a number of people and security members also packaged the remaining valuables from the arson incident on Saturday, November 12.

"Currently, around 400 people are taking turns waiting for the truck to temporarily secure themselves in Nabire Regency," he said.

Meanwhile, the victims of the riot incident in Dogiyai were also evacuated to Nabire Regency by plane at around 08.30 WIT this morning. They were evacuated for immediate medical treatment at Nabire Hospital.

Previously, it was reported that after the riots and arson in Dogiyai Regency, Papua, the security and security situation was gradually becoming conducive.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, said the situation could be controlled by security forces in Dogiyai Regency, Papua since Sunday morning, November 13.

Currently, the police are still on foot patrols and monitoring the damage caused by the anarchist actions carried out by the masses.

"From the monitoring of the joint apparatus conducting patrols, there were 6 government buildings on Jalan Trans Nabire-Enarotali in the direction of Kampung Ekimanida that were burned," he said when contacted, Sunday, November 13.

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