
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that carrying out the security of the G20 Summit in Bali is an honor for the National Police institution. "This is our honor, we have the honor to carry out the security of the G20 Summit. As stated by the President, this security is not necessarily once every 20 years," said Sigit in a statement received by Antara, in Jakarta, Saturday, November 12. The National Police Chief and his staff conducted a direct review of the ranks of the Brimob Police Corps tasked with securing and guarding the G20 Summit. In the review, the National Police Chief also gave encouragement to the ranks of the Brimob Police Corps at the Geger Beach Security Post, Badung, Bali, Saturday, November 12. "I am proud to be able to meet you and I hope that all of you will remain healthy," said Sigit when conducting a review. In front of Brimob personnel, Sigit emphasized that the task of securing the G20 Summit is a form of honor for the National Police institution. Considering that the international event is a new history for the Indonesian nation.

Therefore, Sigit emphasized to all Brimob Polri personnel who have received the assignment to secure the G20 Summit to really carry out their duties properly, wholeheartedly, and physically for Indonesia. On this occasion, Sigit and the main officials of the National Police Headquarters took the time to eat together with all the personnel on duty. "Therefore, your job is how to carry out the tasks that are accounted for to us as well as possible. I am proud of all of you," said Sigit.

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