
JAKARTA - Head of the Inter-Institutional Relations and Relations Section of the Secretariat General of the MPR RI, Budi Muliawan, reminded the importance that Generation Z has the principle of Pancasila values, the constitution, and anti-corruption attitudes to face various challenges. Indonesia with a population of 274 million people faces the challenge of realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia in 2045. The younger generation and generation Z will become the nation's leaders at that time need to realize these challenges, said Budi Muliawan in his statement to Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, November 12. This was said by Budi Muliawan or Wawan when he was a speaker at an event entitled Bincang Sores" at the Campus of Tanjungpura University (Untan), Pontianak, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), Friday (11/11). The Sore STAR is one of the activities in the Constitutional and Anti-Corruption Festival held in Untan on 11-13 November 2022. In the event, another spokesman for MK Fajar Laksono and KPK spokesman Ipi Maryati.Wawan explained that the MPR has a vision as the national residence of Pancasila ideology and the sovereignty of the people, never stops dissociating Pancasila, the constitution, the NKRI, and Bhinneka Tung Ika. The values of Pancasila and the constitution are not only read and pronounced, but need to be understood and imagined, as well as implemented in everyday life,he said. According to him, Z generation must have the pride of having Pancasila because Indonesia with all its diversity can survive to date.

He gave an example of being united but now scattered. "The founders of the Indonesian nation have made efforts to save the Republic of Indonesia and have provided examples and examples with their attitudes that prioritize the interests of the nation above personal and group interests," he said. He assessed that all elements of the nation need to have passion, mind, and cooperation in managing the country including synergies between the MPR, MK, and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)., first, because of pressure related positions; second, because there is an opportunity, and third, the rationalization that what is done is not wrong and already common. This third point is very dangerous, getting used to something that is not true is very dangerous. Here the importance of integrity values need to be instilled in the younger generation, "he said. Budi Muliawan hopes that anti-fraud values and attitudes can be embedded in the younger generation so that they have integrity, good thinking, and can distinguish which one is right and which one is wrong.

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