
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police stated that it would examine all pharmaceutical companies supplied with soluble raw materials for sirop drugs containing ethylene glycol (EG) and dietilen glycol (DEG) beyond the threshold by CV Samudera Chemicals. Including food companies. " “ Who is supplied by the CV SC is also being investigated, be it a pharmaceutical company or food that must be examined, because it is a dangerous material," said the Director of Certain Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto when contacted, Saturday, November 12. Based on preliminary findings, CV Samudera Chemical mixed propylene glycol (PG) with EG and DEG without the right dose. In addition, the investigators found that the PG solvent belonging to CV Samudera Chemical also contained dangerous chemicals that did not comply with the provisions. “ It turns out that CV SC is suspected of being a supplier but mixing from PG turns out that there are 30 percent of EG and DEG content,” said Pipit. Previously, it was reported that CV Samudera Chemical supplied raw materials for soluting sirop drugs containing ethylene glycol (EG) and dietilen glycol (DEG) beyond the threshold for three pharmaceutical companies. The company, among others, PT Afi Farma Pharmaceutical Industry, PT Universal Pharmaceutical Industries, PT Yarindo Farmatama. The solvent ingredient inZurany drugs containing EG and DEG is suspected to have caused acute kidney failure in children.

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