
JAKARTA - Myths and facts about children's health are milling about on various social media. This of course makes parents confused, especially for new mothers.

Pediatrician dr. I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Partiwi SpA, MARS has thoroughly explored five myths and facts about the health of children and families so that they don't make the wrong decisions and are wiser in responding to information circulating on social media.

Here are some myths and facts as reported by Antara quoted from Tokopedia's official broadcast, Saturday, November 12.

Myth: Formula milk lowers children's intelligence

In fact, children's intelligence is determined by three main factors, namely foster needs (food and nutritious drinks), the need for compassion (fulfilling of affection) and the need for principle (proper stimulation).

"The formula on the other hand, can be a solution that can help children over one year increase weight," said dr. Tiwi.

dr. Tiwi also advises parents to explore various types of processed milk, such as ice cream or gelato, to make them more attractive to children.

Myth: Baby should not "suppose"

Baby "bau tangan" is a term for babies who always want to be carried. According to dr. Tiwi, basically babies need to be carried because babies need to feel safety and a warm touch. Holding a baby can also foster a baby's trust in their parents.

Myth: Women's babies talk faster

The gender of a baby does not determine the ability to speak. Intelligence is formed from X-chromodynamics. Even though women have two chromosomes X and men only have one chromosome X.

"Without stimulation, speech will not be aroused," said dr. Tiwi.

There are various examples of activities to stimulate children's speech skills, such as telling stories and reading with children.

Myth: Children should not shower when sick

In fact, the skin is the outermost layer that functions to protect the body from various germs and diseases, so skin health becomes more important when the child is sick. If a child is sick, he still has to maintain skin health by taking a warm bath.

Myth: a jinjit child while studying the road is an unnatural thing

"Grinjit is the initial stage of learning the road. The baby who uses the baby walker as a stimulant while learning the road will tend to massage to recognize the floor surface before it runs really smoothly," said dr. Tiwi.

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