
YOGYAKARTA - The Nasdem-PKS-Democrat coalition canceled its declaration on November 10, 2022, or on National Hero's Day.

This information was conveyed directly by the Chairman of the DPP of the National Democratic Party (NasDem) Willy Aditya at the Parliament Complex on Monday, November 7, 2022.

"It is certain that November 10 will not become a joint declaration," said NasDem Party DPP chairman Willy Aditya, to VOI, Thursday, November 10.

So, why did the coalition declaration not be made?

According to Willy, the declaration of the coalition party that carries Anies will not be carried out on the commemoration of Hero's Day because the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Democratic Party have their own internal agenda.

Willy said that PKS had just held a meeting of the Syuro Council in December 2022 or the end of the year. Meanwhile, Democrats, he said, generally the chairman was traveling to Germany and only arrived in Indonesia on November 10.

"Satu, PKS akan rapat Majelis Syuro itu akhir tahun, Desember berarti. Kedua, Mas AHY dan kawan-kawan baru pulang (dari luar negeri) sekitar tanggal 10 November itu," jelasnya.

Willy could not confirm when the right time for NasDem, Democrat, and PKS would hold a coalition declaration. However, most importantly, the three political parties have agreed on commitments to form a coalition.

"We'll wait, of course we have to respect the mechanisms of the parties of each party. At least the commitment for the sake of commitment has become increasingly narrow. How is the understanding, we just have to formalize it into mutual agreements," concluded Willy.

Separately, PKS spokesman Muhammad Kholid said the plan to declare the Nasdem-PKS-Democrat coalition was canceled on November 10 because discussions in the small team had not been completed.

Kholid said that the plan for a declaration on Hero's Day was a proposal from the NasDem Party.

"November 10 proposed by the NasDem Party, we have great respect. However, discussions in small teams between NasDem, PKS, Democrats and presidential candidates have not been completed," said Kholid.

Kholid said that the progress of the discussion from the small team was one of the benchmarks for the fall of the declaration time. Meanwhile, other factors related to communication within each party are candidates for the Change Coalition.

"First, the progress of discussion in small teams. Second, the internal process of each party," he explained.

Kholid said that PKS would only report the results of the discussion of the small team to the Syuro Council. After that, a decision was made.

"For PKS, the results of the discussion in the small team will be reported to the Syuro Council for a decision," he said.

Meanwhile, PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera admitted that there were various obstacles in efforts to build a coalition with Democrats and NasDem.

However, Mardani assessed, it does not mean that the communication relations between the three political parties have been cut off.

"There are always obstacles, but the PKS party is based on values," said Mardani Ali Sera, Monday, November 7.

According to Mardani, the relationship between PKS, NasDem and Democrats who are members of the Change Coalition remains well established. However, he did not mention when these three political parties would be declared.

"Silaturahim dan pembahasan konten dengan NasDem dan Demokrat semakin intensif," kata Mardani.

For more information, PKS, NasDem, and Democrats have never declared themselves a coalition despite their intense communication. In fact, the party created by Surya Paloh has proposed that the coalition declaration be made before November 10, 2022, or before the end of the year.

This information regarding the NasDem-PKS-Democrat coalition canceled the November 10 declaration.

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