The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati NTB) received reports of alleged corruption in the budget for renting the house of the council secretary and 45 members of the Bima Regency DPRD with a value of Rp11.94 billion.
Spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputra, confirmed the report from a community group regarding the alleged corruption in the house rental budget.
"Yes, we received the report last Tuesday. The report was received by the NTB Prosecutor's Office of PTSP (One Stop Integrated Service)," said Efrien when confirmed in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, November 9.
The follow-up to the receipt of the report, his party did not immediately forward it to the prosecutor for the review process, but procedurally, he still had to wait for a response from the Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office.
"If there is a position from the leadership (Kajati NTB), then the report review process will be included," he said.
In the report, community groups attached evidence of the document on the realization of the budget for the rental of the house of the secretary and 45 members of the DPRD Bima.
The nominal budget of Rp11.94 billion appeared as a total budget for renting a house for the last two years with a calculation that each member received Rp132 million per year.
In addition to the budget realization document, the reporter also attached evidence regarding council members who did not occupy rented houses because they already had a private house.
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