
JAKARTA - Chairperson of the COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) Doni Monardo reminded all parties not to be careless in maintaining health protocols even though the voting stages in the 2020 Pilkada have been implemented. This is because there is still a vote counting stage and it is possible that a crowd will occur.

"Don't be careless, don't be lax, always nag, always mean, and always remind you," Doni said in a press conference broadcast on BNPB's YouTube account, Wednesday, December 9.

"The stages of the task for the pilkada are not over for today alone, the activities to calculate the possibility of crowds will still exist," he added.

Furthermore, Doni also mentioned the voter compliance rate in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections. According to him, even though this figure is already high, there are still areas that are low and only enforced control after receiving a warning from the related official.

In fact, the implementation of this health protocol is solely for the sake of protecting the public from the transmission of COVID-19 which is still happening today.

In addition, he reminded that the 2020 Pilkada had its own challenges. Because this election must run without the spread of the virus.

"One of the big challenges for our nation who lives in a democratic realm is to hold regional elections, a democratic party in an orderly and safe manner," he said.

"Therefore, we hope that the hard work of all parties will not be slack, it will not stop until now," added the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).

Previously, a member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team, Dewi Nur Aisyah, explained the data to monitor the implementation of health protocol compliance with voters and polling stations (TPS) in the regions that hold the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.

This monitoring is recorded in the United Against COVID-19 (BLC) application which is presented in real time and carried out to more than 270 thousand voters from 34 thousand locations in 299 districts / cities.

As a result, public compliance with the use of masks in the middle of the 2020 regional elections reached 96.59 percent. Meanwhile, community compliance in maintaining distance reached 91.46 percent.

In the data, it was also noted that the voters of Papua Province were in the lowest order, obeying the health protocol. Meanwhile, Southeast Sulawesi is in the highest order.

"If we look at the provincial level, we can see that there is a range here between each province with the obedience to wearing a mask, the highest we can see is 100 percent in Southeast Sulawesi and the lowest is 80.95 percent in Papua," he said. Dewi in the BNPB Indonesia Youtube live broadcast, Wednesday, December 9.

With regard to maintaining distance, the province with the highest compliance is also in Southeast Sulawesi with 100 percent.

"Until the end of the list, this is in Papua in the last position regarding compliance with maintaining a distance of 64.73 percent. We can also evaluate the regions later," said Dewi.

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