
SERANG - Banten Police's Narcotics Directorate held the destruction of evidence of narcotics types of marijuana weighing 4.6 kilograms and methamphetamine weighing 2.12 grams at the Banten Police Football Field, Monday, November 7.

The destruction was witnessed by representatives of the Banten MUI, the Serang District Attorney, the Banten Police Biddokkes Examiner Team, and the Banten Police Narcotics Directorate PJU.

The destruction of the narcotics evidence was led directly by the Director of Narcotics of the Banten Police, Commissioner Suhermanto. Before being destroyed, an identification test of drug evidence was carried out using a quantitative method by a team of examiners from the Banten Police Biddokkes to check the authenticity of the narcotics.

The destruction of narcotics types of marijuana and methamphetamine this time was carried out by burning.

Commissioner Suhermanto said the confiscated evidence was the result of the disclosure over the past two months.

“What we destroyed today, is the result of several cases. There are 2 cases of marijuana-type narcotics, the total weight of evidence is 13 kg, but the remaining 4.6 kg are still being tested", said Commissioner Suhermanto in a written statement, Monday, November 7.

He added that there were 12 cases of narcotics cases carried out by restorative justice against narcotics users.

"The suspects who were carried out by restorative justice are currently in rehabilitation homes, the confiscated evidence will be destroyed, then there is evidence that is set aside for lab testing and for trial, while the rest will be destroyed", he added.

"This is a form of our responsibility to the community for the narcotics confiscation that we carried out, which already have permission from the local prosecutor's office", he continued.

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