
JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission D of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDIP faction, Ida Mahampang, sees that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta (Pj) Heru Budi Hartono took the initiative to use drones to carry out hand arrest operations (OTT) for residents who littered.

"Regarding the drone installed by the Governor, in my opinion, this is the right one. Indeed, this is an extraordinary breakthrough," said Ida when contacted, Monday, November 7.

Ida assessed that the use of drones is more effective than the DKI Provincial Government using CCTV installed at certain points. Given, the CCTV installed has the potential to be removed or damaged.

"Because if they are given permanent CCTV, they like to be thrown away or taken away and so on," said Ida.

Thus, Ida hopes that the use of this drone can also provide a deterrent effect to the public not to litter. Especially garbage that is dumped on the banks of the river because it can cause traffic jams and lead to flooding.

"Indeed, we want to hope that these residents do not throw garbage on the banks of the river. The existence of this drone, make evidence of residents throwing garbage on riverbanks," he said.

Yesterday, the DKI Provincial Government held an OTT using drones to search for people who littered on motorized vehicle-free days (HBKB) or car free day (CFD) in the Sudirman-Thamrin area.

The Provincial-level HBKB enforcement post in Sudirman Thamrin was held in 7 locations, namely, in front of Gedung Jaya, Jalan Sumenep, in front of the Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Fly Over Statue Sudirman, in front of the Chase Plaza Building, CIMB Building and FX Sudirman Mall. A total of 194 supervisors were deployed.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, revealed that OTT was carried out conventionally with a drone belonging to the DKI Kominfotik Service.

"We use drones to take action against violators who litter at the Provincial-level HBKB activities, city-level HBKB, and identified locations are often found by residents who litter," Asep told reporters, Sunday, November 6.

Based on today's OTT waste activity, there are 15 violators who were subject to forced money fines. The DKI Provincial Government has collected a total fine of IDR 710,000 and 4 violators who have been sentenced to social sanctions to collect garbage at the location.

"This activity will be routinely carried out in the future according to the direction of the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta," continued Asep.

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