
SAMARINDA - Deputy for the Environment of Natural Resources (SDA) of the State Capital Authority (IKN) of the Archipelago, Myrna Safitri said, her party is translating the details of the master plan into programs including drafting regulations that are prioritized regarding waste processing. The first priority is waste processing. The Authority will have one regulation on waste processing. We can't talk about controlling pollution if this is not resolved, said Myrna in Samarinda, Antara, Sunday, November 6. From all the design of the master plan, he sees that first it must be done systematically, which is accompanied by a clear regulatory framework. " “Second, the SDA environment is not only technical, but has a lot to do with socio-economic culture, it must also exist," he explained. He emphasized that it is important to combine technical and socio-cultural in waste management, where a person's living culture underlies his habit of doing something. “ Technically we have a concept, but essentially waste processing is a matter of lifestyle. So we have to change people's culture and combine it. The approach is more effective,” he said. He added that bringing the social aspect into ecosystem recovery will make the change even greater. "The point is we can't be conventional, gather, transport, throw away. So we need a large Final Disposal Site (TPA)," he concluded.

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