
JAKARTA - Member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team, Dewi Nur Aisyah, explained the monitoring data on the implementation of compliance with health protocols for voters and polling stations (TPS) in areas that hold the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.

This monitoring is recorded in the United Against COVID-19 (BLC) application which is presented in real time. Dewi said, monitoring has been carried out to more than 270 thousand voters from 34 thousand locations in 299 districts / cities.

Based on the results of monitoring, in the meantime it was noted that the voters of Papua Province were in the lowest order who obeyed the health protocol. Meanwhile, Southeast Sulawesi is in the highest order.

"If we look at the provincial level, we can see that there is a range here between each province with the obedience to wearing a mask, the highest we can see is 100 percent in Southeast Sulawesi and the lowest is 80.95 percent in Papua," he said. Dewi in the BNPB Indonesia Youtube live broadcast, Wednesday, December 9.

With regard to maintaining distance, the province with the highest compliance is also in Southeast Sulawesi with 100 percent.

"Until the end of the list, this is in Papua in the last position regarding compliance with maintaining a distance of 64.73 percent. We can also evaluate the regions later," said Dewi.

Meanwhile, for monitoring compliance with health protocols at TPS, the COVID-19 Task Force has monitored 6,200 polling stations from 180 districts / cities.

In general, the TPS that provides hand washing facilities, hand sanitizers, and body temperature checks is as much as 90 percent.

Then, related to the socialization of protocol rules such as installing banners, posters, or loudspeakers reminding the public to obey 3M, as much as 78 percent of all polling stations monitored.

Regarding the availability of officers who reminded the public not to be embarrassed about implementing the monitored protocol, as many as 87 percent of polling stations.

Spraying of disinfectants has been carried out in 77 percent of the polling stations monitored. "However, the number will still continue to increase because it is still waiting for the vote count. The disinfection is still waiting," said Dewi.

Regarding the KPU's need to provide plastic gloves for voting, this is more than 91 percent of the polling stations monitored. The use of medical gloves for personnel is in more than 92 percent.

Furthermore, the number of officers using masks, reporting in the field was recorded that more than 95 percent of TPS had implemented it, while the use of face shields was at 93 percent.

About 80 percent of all polling stations monitored have special booths. Meanwhile, the other 20 percent have no special booth space for voters with temperatures above 37.3 degrees Celsius.

"The availability of officers with complete PPE is used to assist voters with high temperatures available at 65% of the polling stations, the rest is incomplete. And lastly, the availability of non-dipped drip ink has reached 89 percent of all polling stations that we monitor," concluded Dewi.

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